Daily Inspiration

Claiming and Sharing God’s Gifts

Here is the paradox that underlies the making of the world. This world is not the Will of God, and so it is not real. Yet those who think it real must still believe there is another will, and one that leads to opposite effects from those He wills. Impossible indeed; but every mind that looks upon the world and judges it as certain, solid, trustworthy and true believes in two creators; or in one, himself alone. But never in one God.

Yet in his lonely, senseless wanderings, God’s gifts go with him, all unknown to him. He cannot lose them. But he will not look at what is given him. He wanders on, aware of the futility he sees about him everywhere, perceiving how his little lot but dwindles, as he goes ahead to nowhere. Still he wanders on in misery and poverty, alone though God is with him, and a treasure his so great that everything the world contains is valueless before its magnitude.

One walks with you Who gently answers all your fears with this one merciful reply, “It is not so.” He points to all the gifts you have each time the thought of poverty oppresses you, and speaks of His Companionship when you perceive yourself as lonely and afraid.

Become the living proof of what Christ’s touch can offer everyone. God has entrusted all His gifts to you. Be witness in your happiness to how transformed the mind becomes which chooses to accept His gifts, and feel the touch of Christ. Such is your mission now. For God entrusts the giving of His gifts to all who have received them. He has shared His joy with you. And now you go to share it with the world. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 166, W-pI.166.2;5;11:3-4;15:2-8. See also ACIM Lesson 166 Insights.)

The Source of perfect happiness is in us, now and forever. If we do not feel supremely happy, we have turned our back on our Source. We have chosen to believe an insane idea that it is possible to have a separate identity in the hope that we might gain a special value we can call ours alone.

There is no way to have specialness without believing we are alone. For God gives His gifts equally to all. It is not His Will that we be alone. His Will that we remain united with Him and have all His gifts is eternal and changeless. He has given us His joy and His peace. He has given us all His Love. In His giving, He has entrusted us with the purpose of giving all that we have received of Him to all.

To know the gifts He has given, we must share His gifts without reservation or limitation. We cannot judge another as separate from us and give God’s gifts truly. This is why forgiveness is the key to removing the barriers to Love’s presence. Forgiveness frees us to see our equality with our brothers and freely give all of God’s gifts. It is this giving that teaches ourselves and all our brothers that they are one with us. We are teachers of God as we accept God’s gifts and give them away without judgment or limits.

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