Daily Inspiration

Our Experiences with the ACIM Conference in SF

Hello again, we are back. The last two months have been very full with moving to Florida and then participating in the ACIM International Conference in San Francisco. We had a very wonderful experience joining with ACIM students and teachers from around the world.

We met Carol Howe, who is in the process of completing a book about the life of Bill Thetford, who joined with Helen Schucman in the scribing of the Course. Carol was close friends with him from shortly after ACIM was published and has had many personal experiences as well as information gathered from many interviews of people who knew him well. She told us that Bill awakened shortly before his transition and wants to share her experience with him so that fellow Course students will have a more complete feeling for the profound effect that living Course principles can have on our lives. We are excited about this book and will let you know as soon as it is available. We may also schedule a workshop here in Florida with Carol Howe.

We are also seeking Holy Spirit’s guidance about scheduling workshops with Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Viera (authors of Take Me to Truth) and Mary Gerrard Lenihan on an exciting new program called, WNYHOO-NOW! (World Needs Your Help One-to One Now!) Mary Lenihan and John Hutkin will also share their experiences around the publishing of “The Book ON and Jesus answers.” At the Pathways of Light Center in Wisconsin, Revs. Sharyn Zenz and Larry Glenz are planning a weekend workshop based on “The Book ON” in June. At this stage we are taking it a day at a time with Holy Spirit to see what unfolds.

Holy Spirit’s messages today for Mary and Robert:

Love is extending eternally. Love extends Love to all of its one Self. It does not change. It does not come and go. One Love constantly extending all of Itself to all of Itself. This eternal giving of Love is What you are. Receiving and extending Love is the Beingness of Love. The gift of accepting this Beingness is experienced as eternal peace and eternal joy. It is the experience of Heaven. You can have this experience now if you so choose.

This Beingness is experienced as you give up the thoughts of the world, the thoughts of separation. You give up the thoughts of the world by handing them to Me to be undone. This is a constant process that is required as long as you place your belief in a world of separation. You receive the Beingness of Heaven when you are willing to let go of belief in the ego’s world. Let this be your only purpose now. The benefits are far beyond what you can conceive of now. Vigilance for truth requires watching the ego thoughts that flow through your mind and handing them over again and again until there is nothing left but God.

As you continue this mind healing process of handing over everything that is not God’s Love, you will feel a lightening of your heavy load. You will feel more carefree and see clearly that the gyrations of the world really mean nothing and are nothing. You take the world less seriously and are in a position to be truly helpful with those still deeply caught up in the “reality” of the dream. A sense of calm and well being pervades and you feel more confident in your true nature as Love as you continue your journey Home. You see that you are being helped every minute as your openness to the Truth grows and expands. You feel an inner happiness, an inner contentment that nothing can change the Love you are and the Love everyone is. You know that everyone is really safe for they are eternal Love, like you. We are one Love and That Love is eternal and changeless.

The only meaningful purpose in all your doing is to awaken to the Truth of What you are. Nothing else matters because nothing else is real. Everything you perceive in the world can be used for this purpose or used by the ego to reinforce the belief that you are separate and alone. Those are your only two choices in every moment. Choose the ego’s purpose and you will experience deeper and deeper levels of disturbance, distress, disillusionment and depression. In other words, you will bury yourself in hell. But contrary to the ego’s teaching, hell is not eternal because hell is only a mistaken belief.

To use each perception in each moment on behalf of awakening you must relinquish all attempts to interpret on your own. You have no meaningful basis for interpretation. You must open to the Vision and interpretation of the Holy Spirit, your true Self, in your mind.

Begin each day with this simple dedication and prayer: “I would interpret nothing on my own today. Holy Spirit, guide my vision that I might know the true meaning in every moment.” As you move through your day, as often as possible, remind yourself that you want only to let the Holy Spirit interpret all things for you.

If you observe that you are disturbed in any way, step back. Open your mind and heart to peace and remind yourself that you really want only the Holy Spirit’s interpretation. With this practice, the heavy burden you have placed on yourself to make “right” judgments will fade away and you will experience the blessing of being truly helpful in every moment. As you recognize your brother as yourself, you cannot help but be truly helpful. In that recognition you know that giving and receiving are the same.

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