Miracles News

April-June, 2018

We Can All Channel

by Rev. Dan Strodl, O.M.C.

Rev. Dan StrodlA couple of years ago I asked Robert Holden if he had a daily spiritual practice. He said, “Yes, l ask the ‘Holy Spirit what would you have me know?’ and then I write whatever comes up. It could be one word, a few words, or more.”

So I started doing this practice the next day, and was totally surprised that words not of me poured out of my pen. And, they were exactly what I needed for the day. I’ve made it a daily spiritual practice ever since.

It’s so simple. I just quiet my mind for a few minutes, and then I ask, “Holy Spirit, what would you have me know today?” and I write down whatever comes up. I have no idea what will appear. I just write and what comes out of my pen is exactly what I need.

What I now realise is that channeling isn’t for the chosen few. We are all chosen. Try it. The Holy Spirit is always waiting for your invitation.

Following are a few examples of what has come through to me:

Draw Out the Light

The world needs Love. It is a starved and lonely desert — cruel, self centered, everyone for themselves, out for their own best interests. Everyone’s projecting their guilt onto others to try to make themselves feel better. They are in pain, afraid, shut down, shut in. They all need Love. That is what’s missing. They are like plants that haven’t been watered — shriveled and slowly dying.

Water them generously. Notice them, smile, show you like and appreciate them. See their goodness, their Light. They have waited a long time for this. Take your time. Listen to them, their stories; listen without fixing. You have no idea what they need. The only thing you can be sure of is they need love, kindness, compassion, softness, being heard. Draw out the beauty inside them. Everyone has it. A loving ear is a great healer.

Light Detective

See the Light in your brothers and sisters. It is there. Draw It out of them. Pay attention to what they say and do. Look for the vein of Love. A road that leads to their goodness, kindness, caring, compassion. It is there. Be a diligent observer. Ignore the judgments, complaints, grievances, moans. They come from their conditioning.

We live in a world that values complaining. People feel superior by putting others down. It is just their training. You can help retrain their minds, their identity, by drawing out their innate goodness. And as you give them this gift, it comes back to you. You are lifted out of this insanity to your true Self. Train your mind to see the Light in others. Be a Light detective.


Relax. All is well. All is in Divine order. Just do what is in front of you.

Then pause, breathe deeply, and do the next right thing.

Stress, worry, anxiety are all fear. It is projecting and imagining into the future.

Be still and return to peace.

Just do what’s in front of you. And do it with peace …and joy. All is in Perfect Divine order. All is well. All will be done, perhaps not like you had planned, but it will all fall into place perfectly.

Leave the planning to me. I will walk you through it. Just hold My hand and trust that all is well, all is as it should be …and relax.

The work you are doing is for you and your brothers. And you will perform at your best when you are relaxed.


Forgiveness is letting go of the ego world, of judgments, opinions, grievances, and upsets. They all come from the lower mind, and by letting them go you take away their power. They are meaningless unless you give them power, and when you give them power, you are locked in the ego’s thought system.

Forgiveness is flowing through the day and not allowing anything to hook you in. And when you do get hooked in, which you will, simply stand back and invite Me to dissolve it away.

Each time you do that you weaken the ego’s thought system and you gently awaken a little bit more. One more step up the ladder.

Return to peace, which is your true reality. This is the purpose of your day.


It is time to look at humility. At modesty. At deflating the ego. You have a desire to blow yourself up, to be important, to be recognized and appreciated. You are easily wounded if others are recognized and you’re left out. This is ego driven. It’s all from an ego that craves specialness, and separateness. It’s all an effect of a deep wound of guilt and fear. You can heal this wound by not playing the game.

First you must be aware when you are seeking, craving, approval. Then you can go to your Right Mind and ask for a new way of seeing. This will encourage you to let go, and go to True healing.
Disengage from the insanity and go to humility. Let others be right, let others get the applause, approval, and recognition. That is what bodies crave. Let them have it.
Return to your center of peace where your true Self resides.


This is the perfect time to re-evaluate your life situation. A new start to get clarity on what you want to do, where you want to go, and what you want to leave behind.

Your intention to practice an hourly forgiveness review is a powerful tool to drag the ego out of hiding and heal your mind. Ego cannot survive in an environment when it is observed from above.

An hourly forgiveness practice will help ferret out all the little judgments, annoyances and grievances that often can go unnoticed. Your willingness to make this your hourly practice a priority will bring you everything you want — peace, love, joy and happiness.

An hourly forgiveness review is a practical way to bring “My only goal is God” to life. Forgiveness is the key to your awakening, and awareness of your ego acting out is the key to forgiveness. Just do it without any judgment and look down on it from above with Me.

True peace and happiness are yours with your willingness and commitment to notice the ego without judgment. Share your hourly forgiveness practice with your brothers. Give what you want to receive.

Rev. Dan Strodl is a Pathways of Light minister and publisher of Miracle Worker magazine in London, UK. His email is: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Visit Miracle Network online at www@.Miracles.org.uk

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