Together, We Light the Way

Manual for Teachers: 11. HOW IS PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? P 3. 5-23-18

3 The text explains that the Holy Spirit is the Answer to all problems you have made. These problems are not real, but that is meaningless to those who believe in them. And everyone believes in what he made, for it was made by his believing it. Into this strange and paradoxical situation,—one without meaning and devoid of sense, yet out of which no way seems possible,—God has sent His Judgment to answer yours. Gently His Judgment substitutes for yours. And through this substitution is the un-understandable made understandable. How is peace possible in this world? In your judgment it is not possible, and can never be possible. But in the Judgment of God what is reflected here is only peace.

Jesus gives the Holy Spirit different names in the Course depending on His particular function in a situation. Just as He is the Voice for God He is also the Answer and is God’s Judgment.  He is the Answer because through the power of our belief we have made problems that need an answer, and because we believe in what we make, we cannot answer our own problems. This conundrum is something Jesus speaks of more than once. We cannot heal ourselves, for that we need the Holy Spirit Who is God’s Answer to our self-made problems.

I had one of those problems recently that triggered feelings of unworthiness. I know this is the ego mind that is judging the situation. What happens is that a particular thing occurred that reminded me of something from the past, and without giving it thought, I automatically ask the ego what this means. The ego reminded me of my unworthiness, and as I accepted the ego’s judgment, I began to feel bad about myself. I then projected this feeling onto the one that triggered me because I had asked the ego what to do about this feeling and projection is the ego’s advice.

When this happened, I knew that I had been listening to the ego and I knew that I must stop listening to the ego’s judgment and turn my attention to the Holy Spirit. Even knowing this, I wrangled with it for hours, going back and forth between asking the ego for help and then asking the Holy Spirit instead. It is such an odd place to be, sitting there on the fence, leaning first one way and then the other, knowing this isn’t helping and yet somehow compelled to do it. It can sometimes take a little while for me to come down on one the Holy Spirits side because I made this problem and so believe in it.

I was on Lesson 142. This lesson begins with the reminder that my mind holds only what I think with God, and when I finally decided for the Holy Spirit, reminding me of this lesson is how he helped me to accept His judgment. I was walking on a track for my daily exercise listening to a book to keep me distracted because walking is something of a chore for me. Suddenly, I felt Holy Spirit telling me to stop the story and contemplate on the lesson.
I did as was asked and let my mind rest on the idea that my mind holds only what I think with God. It seemed an absurd statement considering what a messy place my mind was on this day. I asked the Holy Spirit how this could be.

Holy Spirit: This is merely a fact. When it seems to not be true, you may rest assured that you are dreaming of other things. You are dreaming that you can change the nature of God. You are dreaming that you are a human being rather than a Divine Being. But dreams do not change reality. Your mind holds only what you think with God.

Wake up, my sweet sister. Let me show you your real thoughts. You have been searching in dreams for these thoughts and that is not where they will be found. Even as you remember what you have read in the Course and recite these very true words to yourself, you do this alone within the ego mind made to give you the illusion of aloneness. There is no power in decisions made alone.

Now you are changing your mind in union with Me and that is power indeed, power that will move mountains. This seeming problem you have made within your dreaming is the mountain we are interested in today. Give me your wholehearted desire for the solution and I will be your Solution.

Me: Holy Spirit, I give you this problem, this belief that God could have ever created a Being that was unworthy, the belief that any Being could make of itself something that God did not create. I am ready to remember my true Self, to know myself as the magnificent creation I am.

Oh my gosh, Holy Spirit, I can feel the ego mind rushing in to save me from God.

Holy Spirit: Do not be afraid of the ego mind that continues to chatter away and makes futile efforts to keep you involved in this story. It is nothing, a collection of beliefs from which I will relieve you. It has no power to contain your glory unless this is your desire.

Me: I give You my ego; it knows not what it does.

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