To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend
that you read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
“I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.”
One question I can ask myself as I see anything is, “How am I seeing this, through the eyes of the ego, or through Christ’s vision?” I am doing one or the other all the time. Training my mind to look at how I am seeing things will help me step back from the ego’s perspective. When I step back and choose Holy Spirit, I can receive the Holy Spirit’s correction of perception. I can learn to see behind the form to the Love that is always there. Because minds are joined, how I see things affects the world.
Have you ever been offended by what someone said or did? And then went to your friends and told them your story, hoping they would join you in your upset? It may have seemed comforting to have others agree that you were harmed, yet it really didn’t make the pain any less. It simply made it seem more justified and harder to let go. Their joining you in their perception reinforced it. But if just one person did not see it the way you saw it, refused to join in your perception, there is the potential that your perception may change. You may become defensive in your attempt to hold on to your perception, or that person’s refusal to join may lead you to open your mind to other possibilities.
In every moment we are either reinforcing the perception of error or reinforcing the perception of truth. If we choose the ego as our guide, we reinforce the error and make it seem more real, both in our own mind and in the minds of all those who believe in the error.
But if we choose the Holy Spirit as our Guide and join with his perception, the error is no longer real to us and it can open many other minds to question the reality of the error. Each time we join with the Holy Spirit’s vision, it has far reaching effects. We become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Those are really the only two options — we either reinforce the problem or, in choosing Holy Spirit as our Guide, we bring the Light to the error. This not only dissolves the error for us but opens the door to vision for many far beyond what we can know. We are truly not alone in experiencing the effects of our seeing.
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