To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend
that you read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine.”
The inner guidance of the Holy Spirit is there for all of us and the way we open to it is by owning what is truly ours. The stillness of the peace of God is truly ours to own and be. Through this peace we are led very gently to an awareness of our true Identity. Being willing to own up to what is truly ours takes a letting go of what is not ours in truth. The ego is not our true identity, even though we may have chosen this thought system for a while. It just makes a false sense of an individual self that could never be.
The Holy Spirit will always show us how to move past disturbances of the mind and return us to the peace of God. Today my job is to open to the peace of God by holding the Holy Spirit’s hand and being willing to be led. I have chosen wrongly and now I would undo that choice. And I would accept Holy Spirit’s help in leading me out of my belief in separation. The stillness of the peace of God is mine.
God gave all of Himself to His extension, His Son. That means His Will is that His Son have His peace. God’s peace is my inheritance. It belongs to me because God Wills that it is mine. Since this is so, I must be worthy of God’s peace.
In this world, disturbances come in many forms. They may be emotional reactions to the words, actions or circumstances I perceive outside of me. They may be my own judgments about what I have said or done. They may appear in the form of misfunctions of body parts, which we call illness. Even minor aches or discomforts are disturbances of God’s peace, and thus can be answered with the statement, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine.”
We are worthy of the stillness of the peace of God, for that is God’s Will. Today I will practice being mindful of my level of peace. Each time I recognize a disturbance in any form, I will remind myself with certainty, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine.” I will know His peace as I remember my deep abiding Love for my Creator.
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