Daily Inspiration

Accepting Our True Self as Love

[“I am spirit”] identifies you with your one Self. It accepts no split identity, nor tries to weave opposing factors into unity. It simply states the truth. Practice this truth today as often as you can, for it will bring your mind from conflict to the quiet fields of peace. No chill of fear can enter, for your mind has been ab­solved from madness, letting go illusions of a split identity.

We state again the truth about your Self, the holy Son of God Who rests in you, whose mind has been restored to sanity. You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all your Father’s Love and peace and joy. You are the spirit which completes Himself, and shares His function as Creator. He is with you always, as you are with Him.

…He will speak to you, reminding you that you are spirit, one with Him and God, your brothers and your Self. …The Holy Spirit gives you peace today. Receive His words, and offer them to Him. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 97, W-pI.97.1-2;8:2,5-6. See also ACIM Lesson 9 Insights.)

It is impossible for there to be differences within unity. If we try to introduce differences, we lose awareness of oneness and our eternal connection with the Love of God. Our connection remains unaltered by our unwillingness to know it is there. But in every instant we have the opportunity to awaken to the unity of Love. Each time we remind ourselves, “I am spirit,” we open the door a little more to welcome the eternal Love that is our inheritance.

We have taught ourselves with great vigilance to believe that differences are real. We perceive ourselves as separate from the world and think this separateness establishes our identity. But all it does is make a pseudo identity that stands as a veil to shield our awareness from the truth that we are eternal Love, and nothing else. The ego is all about convincing us that something else is real. The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to remind us that only Love is real.

Today let us join in the Holy Spirit’s purpose by reminding ourselves often that we are Spirit that we may accept the Self God created us to be.

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