Daily Inspiration

Accepting That We Are Love

In me, God’s holy Son, are reconciled all parts of Heaven’s plan to save the world. ²What could conflict, when all the parts have but one purpose and one aim? ³How could there be a single part that stands alone, or one of more or less importance than the rest? ⁴I am the means by which God’s Son is saved, because salvation’s purpose is to find the sinlessness that God has placed in me. ⁵I was created as the thing I seek. ⁶I am the goal the world is searching for. ⁷I am God’s Son, His one eternal Love. ⁸I am salvation’s means and end as well.

Let me today, my Father, take the role You offer me in Your request that I accept Atonement for myself. ²For thus does what is thereby reconciled in me become as surely reconciled to You. (A Course in Miracles, W-318.1–2. See also ACIM Lesson 318 Insights.)

In the world there appear to be myriad parts which seem so different they could never be reconciled as one. All these differences are manifestations of the wish for specialness.

God’s Will is one: To be and extend the oneness of Love. As His holy Son, we share that Will. This lesson is pointing out that the truth in us is already one. The appearances of many forms does not change the one Son that is Love’s Creation. It could be said that reconciliation is merely the recognition of What has always been. The false perceptions of differences are dispelled with this recognition.

The fact of our oneness with our Creator has never changed, but we must practice acknowledging that oneness to change our mind about what we want. The Will of the Truth in us is to be Love and nothing else. We reach this recognition as we forgive the belief that separates us from our true Identity.

Today we choose forgiveness, for we would be free to accept Atonement for ourself.

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