Daily Inspiration

Accepting Love’s Changeless Oneness

In our reading of A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out:

You have been called, together with your brother, to the most holy function this world contains. It is the only one that has no limits, and reaches out to every broken fragment of the Sonship with healing and uniting comfort. This is offered you, in your holy relationship. Accept it here, and you will give as you have accepted. The peace of God is given you with the glowing purpose in which you join with your brother. The holy light that brought you and him together must extend, as you accepted it. (T-18.I.13)

This reminds me that my holy purpose is to accept and extend the fact that we all are the same Love of God. This means I am joined with every brother, for we are one. Accepting my true purpose of returning to oneness brings me the peace and joy and comfort that I really want.

Right in my mind is the Light of Truth that returns me to remembering Love’s oneness. Opening to this healing Light is my purpose for today. This is how my mind is healed. This is how I extend healing as I join with the truth of our oneness with every brother.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
You believe you are an image — a body, a personality, a separate self, alone, with private thoughts. This self-image is vulnerable and easily disturbed by anything that would seem to raise the image to question. Because you think this self-image is you, you believe you must protect it carefully.

You think that any change in this image would change you because you believe you changed yourself when you made this image. It is not true, but your belief in the image makes you think you need to be constantly vigilant lest anything disturb this image. You have so strongly identified with this image that you believe the loss of it would be your death.

This is the condition of everyone who walks the world, believing they are a body with a separate mind looking out at other bodies. It is not true. You remain safely within the strength and love of God, unchanged and unchangeable. This self-image is simply a false construct that will disappear the moment you are willing to accept God’s gift of all His Love. He offers It still, unaffected by your denial of It. He has never withdrawn His Love. It is yours for the accepting. All you need do is let go of the image you have made of yourself and God’s all encompassing Love will flood your awareness and your joy will be complete.

You can take a giant step forward to this recognition by reminding yourself frequently today, “God is but Love and therefore so am I.”

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