Daily Inspiration

Accepting Love’s Kindness, Gentleness and Patience

Love’s kindness, gentleness and patience are attributes of the Son of God. Collectively we are the Son of God and naturally share these attributes. If we do not experience being Love, then we have denied the truth of What we are and accepted a false image of ourselves in Its place. This false image is the ego thought system of separation.

To return to our natural attributes as God’s Son, we need to seek out all the false images, the fear, the guilt, that hide the truth from our awareness. As we become aware of these false ideas, we need to bring them to the Holy Spirit Who, with kindness, gentleness and patience, will help us release the false images and lift the veil that hides Love from our awareness.

Each time we experience defensiveness, we have an opportunity to heal our minds from the illusion of being alone and separate and to accept that we remain Love as Love created us. This is the practice of forgiveness. This is how we accept Love’s kindness, gentleness and patience. This is our practice for today.

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