Daily Inspiration

Another Day of Opportunity

We have been reading in the book, Zero Limits, about the fact that we are 100 percent responsible for everything we experience. This same idea is a central principle in A Course in Mircles. In the past I have thought there must be some exceptions to this principle. And I still try to make exceptions. But I now recognize that this is simply resistance to healing. It comes out of a fear of losing the separate identity I’ve worked so hard to develop.

Yet if I am really honest, this identity is an empty image made up to substitute for my Identity as Love in the heart of Love. Do I really want an empty image in place of a limitless, timeless Love? I don’t think so. Yet part of me must want this empty image. Otherwise there would be no thought to hold on to a world of images. Today I feel like I’m ready to kick up my acceptance a notch, to paraphrase Emeril. “Bam!” I could experience the fullness of God’s Love now! It’s just a matter of willingness.

In the dream I have carefully hidden “eons” of beliefs in unconsciousness. I am grateful that in every moment, with every thought, perception or experience, I am offered an opportunity to choose Love instead of fear, to choose unity instead of separation. In every moment I can say to my Self, “I am sorry I made this image. Help me to let it go. I love you. Thank you.”

I no longer want the substitute images. I want the peace of God. Nothing else has value. I am grateful for another day to practice.

A Course in Miracles often tell us to ask of everything, “What is this for?” As I am reading Zero Limits, I am reminded that everything is for ‘cleaning.’ The Course uses the term forgiveness, or turning over every perception to the Holy Spirit to be cleansed and purified of what is not true. As my thoughts are purified of what is not true, there is no more “juice” there. And into this clean and empty space, Holy Spirit shines the Light of Love.

As I put the “welcome mat” out to the Holy Spirit in more and more situations, I am using each day as a new opportunity to “clean” or remember that I do not know what anything is for and I am open to a thought reversal. I am open to be reminded by the Holy Spirit that, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” As I let myself receive this truth, peace comes with it.

Applying this process to every experience of my “life” is what today and every day is for. Today is another opportunity to forgive or, in other words, to allow my true Self heal my mind by removing what is not true. The ho’ oponopono process of saying, “I am sorry, I love you. Forgive me. Thank you,” is another way of opening my mind to accept the truth instead of continuing to carry on with the ego thought system. The false mind I have been identifying with knows nothing.

As I practice true humility and remember to step back and observe what is really going on, my willingness increases to forgive, or hand it over for correction. As my mind gets cleaned of false perceptions, only Love is there. And I give thanks that only this is true. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity of another day of “cleaning” or forgiving what never was.

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