Daily Inspiration

Answering Calls for Love with Love

Faith is the opposite of fear, as much a part of love as fear is of attack. ²Faith is the acknowledgment of union. ³It is the gracious acknowledgment of everyone as a Son of your most loving Father, loved by Him like you, and therefore loved by you as yourself. ⁴It is His Love that joins you and your brother, and for His Love you would keep no one separate from yours. ⁵Each one appears just as he is perceived in the holy instant, united in your purpose to be released from guilt. ⁶[Through the eyes of faith,] You see the Christ in him, and he is healed because you look on what makes faith forever justified in everyone.

Faith is the gift of God, through [the Holy Spirit] Whom God has given you. ²Faithlessness looks upon the Son of God, and judges him unworthy of forgiveness. ³But through the eyes of faith, the Son of God is seen already forgiven, free of all the guilt he laid upon himself. ⁴Faith sees him only now because it looks not to the past to judge him, but would see in him only what it would see in you. ⁵It sees not through the body’s eyes, nor looks to bodies for its justification. ⁶It is the messenger of the new perception, sent forth to gather witnesses unto its coming, and to return their messages to you.

Faith is as easily exchanged for knowledge as is the real world. ²For faith arises from the Holy Spirit’s perception, and is the sign you share it with Him. ³Faith is a gift you offer to the Son of God through Him, and wholly acceptable to his Father as to Him. ⁴And therefore offered you. (A Course in Miracles, T-19.I.10:1–12:4. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego looks to the past to justify guilt and fear. The Holy Spirit looks only on the present in which the innocence of Love is recognized as the only reality. In every moment we choose between following the ego or the Holy Spirit, between guilt and innocence, fear and Love.

When we choose the Holy Spirit as our Guide for seeing, He offers us His faith in the truth of What we are as God’s Son. With the Holy Spirit’s help, one whom the ego labels a villain is seen as a Son of God calling for Love. The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to help everyone who believes he is lacking Love the gift of faith that he remains Love as Love created him. As we accept the Holy Spirit’s vision, calls for Love by anyone, including ourselves, are answered with Love.

Today we call upon the Holy Spirit’s help to be Love’s messengers to answer calls for Love. This is how we bring healing to our mind and to the world.

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