Daily Inspiration

Answering the Call to Love

Three times today, at times most suitable for silence, give ten minutes set apart from listening to the world, and choose instead a gentle listening to the Word of God [the Holy Spirit]. He speaks from nearer than your heart to you. His Voice is closer than your hand. His Love is everything you are and that He is; the same as you, and you the same as He.

It is your voice to which you listen as He speaks to you. It is your word He speaks. It is the Word of freedom and of peace, of unity of will and purpose, with no separation nor division in the single Mind of Father and of Son. In quiet listen to your Self to­day, and let Him tell you God has never left His Son, and you have never left your Self.

Only be quiet. You will need no rule but this, to let your practicing today lift you above the thinking of the world, and free your vision from the body’s eyes. Only be still and listen. You will hear the Word in which the Will of God the Son joins in His Father’s Will, at one with it, with no illusions interposed be­tween the wholly indivisible and true. As every hour passes by today, be still a moment and remind yourself you have a special purpose for this day; in quiet to receive the Word of God. (W-pI.125.7-9)

Our true Self and God are of one Mind. But while we identify with the ego, we believe we have a different mind. This infinitely small, meaningless thought believes it is in a world of its own, split off from Reality.

Yet hidden beneath this belief is an unbreakable link to the one Mind of God. Through this link God’s Voice calls to the part of the mind that believes it is alone. It is a call to Love. Our heart yearns to answer this call, for it yearns to remember Love, our Self.

We can hear the call by quieting our mind. As we let our mind settle into the stillness within, the Voice of our Self fills our mind with peace. Conflict fades away and we are blessed by the unity of Love. Today we will pause every hour to be still to receive Love’s blessing and give it to the world.

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