Daily Inspiration

Bring Peace to Every Mind

We were guided today to read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 137, “When I am healed I am not healed alone.” This is what stood out:

Let healing be through you this very day. And as you rest in quiet, be prepared to give as you received, to hold but what you give, and to receive the Word of God to take the place of all the foolish thoughts that ever were imagined. Now we come together to make well all that was sick, and offer blessing where there was attack. Nor will we let this function be forgot as every hour of the day slips by, remembering our purpose with this thought: When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would bless my brothers, for I would be healed with them, as they are healed with me. (W-pI.137.15)

Because in truth we are joined in one mind, I serve the whole Sonship as I focus on letting my mind be healed by the Holy Spirit. Letting my mind quiet to receive the peace of God brings peace to every mind. This is how I bless every brother. This is how I serve Holy Spirit’s plan in being truly helpful.

What stood out to me today in our reading was,

If you let your mind harbor attack thoughts, yield to judgment or make plans against uncertainties to come, you have again misplaced yourself, and made a bodily identity which will attack the body, for the mind is sick. (ACIM, W-pI.136.19:2)

I readily recognize attack thoughts and judgment as interfering with my awareness of oneness. I am not so quick to recognize that making plans against uncertainties to come is the effect of identifying with the body and therefore an attack on the truth of What I am. Right now it seems that making plans on my own is the dominant temptation for which I need to be vigilant.

A sense of uncertainty can only come from the belief that I am disconnected from the certainty of God. Making plans on my own can never fix the uncertainty. All I need to do is let go of the denial of my oneness with God. The Holy Spirit is in my mind with the purpose to lead me back to the full recognition that I am not a body, and that I remain one with God, one with Love, as Love created me.

Today is another opportunity to be vigilant to keep my mind open to the Holy Spirit’s lead. Thus will I experience God’s peace and share it with all my brothers.

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