Daily Inspiration

Choosing the Path to Return to Love

When you made visible [images of separation] what is not true, what is true [Love’s oneness] became invisible to you. Yet it cannot be invisible in itself, for the Holy Spirit sees it with perfect clarity. It is invisible to you because you are looking at something else. …What can be seen is what the Holy Spirit sees. The definition of reality is God’s, not yours.

Because of your Father’s Love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory. You can deny it, but you cannot lose it. A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a vision will correct the perception of everything you see. For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only Answer. God would reunite you with yourself, and did not abandon you in your distress. You are waiting only for Him, and do not know it. Yet His memory shines in your mind and cannot be obliterated. It is no more past than future, being forever always.

…the memory of God cannot shine in a mind that has obliterated it and wants to keep it so. For the memory of God can dawn only in a mind that chooses to remember, and that has relinquished the insane desire to control reality. (A Course in Miracles, T-12.VIII.3:1-3,5-6;4;5:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

It’s good news that no matter how entranced we may be by the dream of separation, we cannot lose the memory of God. We just need to interrupt the trance of belief in separation. On our own, we do not know how to do this. But we have the Answer to this dilemma, ever present in our mind.

God’s promise of His unbreakable connection with His Son guarantees that we have a path for return to remember our unity with Him in His eternal Love. We are not condemned to an existence in a world of suffering, loss, fear and guilt. But we have to be willing to listen to His Answer.

Willingness comes as we recognize that we do not really want the dream world we have made. There is a better way. The Guide to this better way is in our mind. Let’s join together in the practice of pausing in the midst of our discomfort, pain and fear to let His inspiration show us the reality of Love. This inspiration brings the Light of Love to our mind and dispels the false images that denied Love’s presence. With His help, we can choose the path that leads us Home to Love.

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