Daily Inspiration

Choosing Truth Instead of Illusions

Comparison must be an ego device, for love makes none. ²Specialness always makes comparisons. ³It is established by a lack seen in another, and maintained by searching for, and keeping clear in sight, all lacks it can perceive. ⁴This does it seek, and this it looks upon. ⁵And always whom it thus diminishes would be your savior, had you not chosen to make of him a tiny measure of your specialness instead. ⁶Against the littleness you see in him you stand as tall and stately, clean and honest, pure and unsullied, by comparison with what you see. ⁷Nor do you understand it is yourself that you diminish thus.

Pursuit of specialness is always at the cost of peace.

⁵The special messages the special hear convince them they are different and apart; each in his special sins and “safe” from love, which does not see his specialness at all. ⁶Christ’s vision is their “enemy,” for it sees not what they would look upon, and it would show them that the specialness they think they see is an illusion.

What would they see instead? ²The shining radiance of the Son of God, so like his Father that the memory of Him springs instantly to mind. …⁵This is the only “cost” of truth: You will no longer see what never was, nor hear what makes no sound. ⁶Is it a sacrifice to give up nothing, and to receive the Love of God forever? (A Course in Miracles, T-24.II.1:1–2:1;5:5–6:2,5-6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Every moment in the world we are making comparisons. We identify an object by comparing it with its background to distinguish it as different. We compare the objects colors and shadows to determine its form and identify what it is.

We learn to use comparisons to function in the world starting the day we are born. It is a habitual process that we are rarely conscious of doing. But it is a mechanism of the ego that keeps it front and center in our mind as a barrier against the uniform oneness of Love, the only truth.

The way out of this self-made prison of limitations is to quiet our mind. As we welcome peace, we welcome Christ’s vision as our Source of information. Instead of showing us the differences the ego would have us see, Christ’s vision sees past the illusions to the Love that binds us eternally with every brother and our Creator. With this process we accept God’s gift of all of His Love and dismiss the ego as meaningless, with nothing of value to offer.

We choose truth today instead of illusions.

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