Daily Inspiration

Choosing the Helpful Guide

The temptation I am most aware of right now is attempting to “look into the future.” It seems to be a minute by minute temptation to anticipate and plan for the future. It’s so easy to slide into making plans and thinking about “what if’s” and “what could be done.” It does not seem that this is a rejection of my safety in God, yet it is clearly attempting to leave the Holy Spirit out of the process and take control on my own.

Anticipation is lack of trust. What seems to add confusion is that I am wanting to be open to Holy Spirit’s lead and it seems that by planning and anticipating, I may be being open to Holy Spirit’s inspiration (or so I tell myself.) The bottom line is that it’s not for me to figure out on my own. I just need to be vigilant for peace. It is peace that opens the door to Holy Spirit’s inspiration.

It’s okay if I cycle frequently through independent planning, then recognizing I’m shutting Holy Spirit out and stepping back into peace to welcome Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter if I have to do this many times an hour. I just need to keep being vigilant. This practice progressively loosens my attachment to being alone and strengthens my awareness of oneness in Spirit. Today is another happy day of vigilance.

This is what stood out to me in our reading of A Course in Miracles today:

We have seen that there are only two parts of your mind. One is ruled by the ego, and is made up of illusions. The other is the home of the Holy Spirit, where truth abides. There are no other guides but these to choose between, and no other outcomes possible as a result of your choice but the fear that the ego always engenders, and the Love that the Holy Spirit always offers to replace it. (ACIM, W-pI.66.7:2-5)

This reminds me to remember throughout the day which part of my mind I am joining with, the ego or the Holy Spirit. If I am experiencing anything but perfect happiness, peace and joy, it is a signal that I have joined with the ego. My job today is to be vigilant of what I am joining with and to take everything that is not perfect Love to the Holy Spirit to shine His Light on it. What is untrue will be undone in Holy Spirit’s healing Light.

Do I want to be happy today? If I do, then I will be vigilant to consistently join with the Holy Spirit. As I am willing to do this I will remember that everyone is safe at Home with me in Heaven. We are one Light; there is no distance between us. Hooray that only the truth is true and nothing else is true. Hooray that we cannot step outside of the peace and safety of God’s Love. I give thanks to remember once again that only Love is real.

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