Daily Inspiration

Consistent Opening to Truth

You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all your Father’s Love and peace and joy. You are the spirit which completes Himself, and shares His function as Creator. He is with you always, as you are with Him.

Begin these happy exercises (5 min. each hr.) with the words the Holy Spirit speaks to you, and let them echo round the world through Him:

Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world. (A Course in Miracles W-pI.97.2:2-4,7:1-2)

When I identify with Spirit, I feel perfectly safe, at peace and blessed by the flow of Love. From that place, I see only Love, only innocence. I see friends everywhere because I see only the one Self we share. It is a heavenly state of mind. This practice today will bring blessing beyond measure.

Today my practice is to give time to the Holy Spirit to remember the truth. I will set my watch to remind me to give five minutes of each hour. This practice will help remind me to open my mind to Holy Spirit’s inspiration more consistently throughout the day. This consistent practice will reinforce the habit of joining with the truth of Love’s Oneness. God’s Son is one and nothing else is real.

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