Daily Inspiration

Every Experience Is for Healing

Robert & Mary:
  We thought we would catch you up on our journey of getting this facility ready for sale. Yesterday and today the tiling in the kitchen is being done. Ted, the tile guy, needed more supplies from Home Depot so we went early and looked for the grout he needed.

It just happened that someone had vomited on that isle right near where the grout was. When we asked for help, the associate for that department wouldn’t go near that area because she was afraid of germs. After a while a man from the store came and cleaned the floor. She then came over and apologized for not helping us sooner. She explained that she had a phobia about germs and was very upset about the whole situation. After we picked out the grout with the associates help, we found there wasn’t enough so we went over to the computer to see if another store near by had a supply. The Fond du Lac store had just what we needed.

Before we left I could see that she still felt uncomfortable that she had not helped us right away so I found myself telling her that I would like to give her a hug. While we hugged I found myself telling her that she was a child of God and that she was safe in God. I told her that everything was going to be all right. She told me that this made her day and thanked me several times. I normally do not go around telling people I meet in stores that they are safe in God, but this time I did it without thinking. Spirit works in ways we don’t always understand at the time.

When we got back to Pathways with the grout, the tile guy told us we got the wrong kind. So we called the Fond du Lac store and they had plenty of the right kind so off we went. This time we met a wonderful associate named Rocky who helped us find everything on our list and more. He was very knowledgeable and explained carefully how to do what we needed to do. He stayed with us through many departments and helped us find solutions for what we needed in many areas. He even helped us at the check out service desk because we were leaving some items for later pick up, then helped us load our car with the things we were taking with us.

We told him we were really impressed with his service and he said it was a pleasure working with people who were receptive. The shopping experiences of the day were carefully guided by Spirit with love bringing joyful effects that blessed us and others. It was an experience of mutual giving.

This morning, we were led to read The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament, scribed by Regina Dawn Akers. In NTI Matthew, Chapter 6, is said, “If you are to walk the path righteousness, all things must be done for the reason of the Heart. To do anything for a purpose other than the purpose of the Heart, regardless of how righteous the act may seem to be, is to stray from your path. You could become lost there. Listen. Let the Heart that whispers truth lead you in all things. Ask of it, and do as it guides. Let not actions blind you. It is not the action that matters, but the purpose that is given it.” (v 1-4)

Note: We really love this book and highly recommend it. If you want to order a copy for yourself, it is available on our web site. Regina is presenting three days of NTI workshops at Pathways of Light Center in Kiel on July 4th weekend. For more information, go to http://pathwaysoflight.org/miraclesweekends.html.

In the world it looked like the purpose was to get supplies for tiling renovation. As we joined with the Holy Spirit, the purpose was to extend love in every moment. When we hold this focus, what needs to happen in form unfolds naturally.

This week new counters were installed in the kitchen and bathroom. A plumber installed new fixtures in both bathrooms and the kitchen. The carpenters installed a door and prepared areas in the kitchen for the tiling. We had a chance to join with all these men and they touched our hearts. We feel blessed by the help that has come to us.

Out of all of this we are learning that even if something seems to go “wrong” it is in perfect order. We are learning to trust that every situation holds an opportunity to be truly helpful as we step back and let the Holy Spirit guide us through every seeming difficulty. This seems like quite a big project. But our lesson is that we cannot possibly know the full scope of all that is affected by what is happening. We do know that we need to stay in the present moment and practice following Holy Spirit’s lead moment by moment.

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