Daily Inspiration

Finding Our Completion

To forgive is merely to remember only the loving thoughts you gave in the past, and those that were given you. ²All the rest must be forgotten. ³Forgiveness is a selective remembering, based not on your selection. ⁴For the shadow figures you would make immortal are “enemies” of reality. ⁵Be willing to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do.

How can the Holy Spirit bring His interpretation of the body as a means of communication into relationships whose only purpose is separation from reality? ²What forgiveness is enables Him to do so. ³If all but loving thoughts have been forgotten, what remains is eternal. ⁴And the transformed past is made like the present. …⁸That is why Atonement centers on the past, which is the source of separation, and where it must be undone. ⁹For separation must be corrected where it was made. (A Course in Miracles, T-17.III.1:1-5;5:1-4,8-9. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The only function of the Son of God is the extend the Love his Father gives. There is nothing else to receive or to give, for only Love is real.

If we perceive a brother doing something else, we are seeing a false image made to make separation seem real. It is a projection representing what we believe we are. It is this false image that must be forgiven.

With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can recognize that what the image portrayed is not real and never happened. This is the selective remembering that will reveal the Love that every brother offers in truth. As we recognize that, we see the Love that is our true Self. Where there was conflict, we find peace. Where there was a sense of loss, we experience our completion in the Love of our Creator. We join in the joy of extending Love.

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