Daily Inspiration

Forgiveness Reflects Love in the World

The world must thank you when you offer it release from your illusions. ²Yet your thanks belong to you as well, for [the world’s] release can only mirror yours. ³Your gratitude is all your gifts [of forgiveness] require, that they be a lasting offering of a thankful heart, released from hell forever. ⁴Is it this you would undo by taking back your gifts, because they were not honored? ⁵It is you who honor them and give them fitting thanks, for it is you who have received the gifts.

It does not matter if another thinks your gifts unworthy. ²In his mind there is a part that joins with yours in thanking you. ³It does not matter if your gifts seem lost and ineffectual. ⁴They are received where they are given. ⁵In your gratitude are they accepted universally, and thankfully acknowledged by the Heart of God Himself.

³To everyone who lives will Christ yet come, for everyone must live and move in Him. ⁴His Being in His Father is secure, because Their Will is One. ⁵Their gratitude to all They have created has no end, for gratitude remains a part of love. (A Course in Miracles, W-197.3:1–4:5;7:3-5. See also ACIM Lesson 197 Insights.)

In the world it seems that our forgiveness is applied to an external circumstance or person. Yet the dream is only a projection from our own mind, the part that believes separation is real. The path to freedom from the loveless hell we have projected is through forgiveness. Thus whatever we forgive, it is only forgiveness of our own mistaken beliefs.

All situations, events or circumstances which are not loving or peaceful offer lessons we need to learn. They merely reflect our beliefs that deny Love. Forgiveness always is a gift because it removes a barrier to awareness of Love’s presence. Forgiveness is Love’s reflection in the world.

Today we welcome the Holy Spirit’s help to forgive our mistaken beliefs and be messengers of Love in the world.

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