Without forgiveness I will still be blind.
Sin is the symbol of attack. ²Behold it anywhere, and I will suffer. ³For forgiveness is the only means whereby Christ’s vision comes to me. ⁴Let me accept what His sight shows me as the simple truth, and I am healed completely. ⁵Brother, come and let me look on you. ⁶Your loveliness reflects my own. ⁷Your sinlessness is mine. ⁸You stand forgiven, and I stand with you.
So would I look on everyone today. ²My brothers are Your Sons. ³Your Fatherhood created them, and gave them all to me as part of You, and my own Self as well. ⁴Today I honor You through them, and thus I hope this day to recognize my Self. (A Course in Miracles, W-247. See also ACIM Lesson 247 Insights.)
The ego offers myriad “truths” that are all lies. The foundation of everything the ego calls true is the denial of Love. Because only Love is real, everything the ego offers is unreal — illusion.
The fact that we perceive ourselves as a body shows us that we believe the ego’s lies are true. This belief binds us to the dream of a world of war, hatred, fear and guilt. But our beliefs can change. We can choose to accept the truth of our Reality in God’s Love.
He has given us His Voice to help us recognize the difference between reality and illusion. If we are willing to accept His help, we can learn to forgive our mistaken beliefs that have kept us in a dark, loveless world.
As we forgive, we will see the Light of Love shining more and more brightly. We will learn to see past the false images and recognize every brother is one with us in the one Self that is God’s Son. In this vision we see the real world where we accept God as our Father. We release ourselves from the bondage of belief in a world that denies Love’s Reality.
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