Daily Inspiration

Giving the Touch of Christ

The present offers you your brothers in the light that would unite you with them, and free you from the past. Would you, then, hold the past against them? For if you do, you are choosing to remain in the darkness that is not there, and refusing to accept the light that is offered you. For the light of perfect vision is freely given as it is freely received, and can be accepted only without limit. In this one, still dimension of time that does not change, and where there is no sight of what you were, you look at Christ and call His witnesses to shine on you because you called them forth. And they will not deny the truth in you, because you looked for it in them and found it there.

Now is the time of salvation, for now is the release from time. Reach out to all your brothers, and touch them with the touch of Christ. (A Course in Miracles, T-13.VI.7:1-8:2. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)

Because we are Love, in truth we are always giving Love to everyone. As we open to the Love we are, it is natural to extend Love because that is Love’s function. Today our practice is to return to the Love we are and touch every brother with the touch of Christ.

We do this by letting go of the past and all its judgments, and seeing the Christ in every brother in the eternal present.  We see Love and nothing else. Every brother becomes a witness that reminds us of the innocence and Love in us.

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