Daily Inspiration

Gratitude Fosters Gratitude

Gratitude is an aspect of Love. When we allow God’s gift of Love into our awareness, gratitude for God’s gift comes with it. This feeling of gratitude motivates a willingness to extend the Love. The blessing that comes with extending Love brings more gratitude with it. As we express the gratitude we feel, we are welcoming more of what we feel grateful for. As we express gratitude for Love, we welcome Love more. As we express gratitude for peace, we welcome peace. As we express gratitude for happiness, we welcome happiness. This is the creative process of accepting and extending Love.

Today we will be mindful of the many gifts we receive with Love. We will let ourselves be shown the Love that surrounds us, including the forms that Love is expressed through in the world. Love Itself is formless. But in a world of form, we must learn to recognize Its expression. This is how we learn to look beyond form to the formless Love that unites us all within our Creator.

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