Daily Inspiration

Hastening Our Journey to Freedom

Let me not be Your critic, Lord, today, and judge against You. ²Let me not attempt to interfere with Your creation, and distort it into sickly forms. ³Let me be willing to withdraw my wishes from its unity, and thus to let it be as You created it. ⁴For thus will I be able, too, to recognize my Self as You created me. ⁵In love was I created, and in love will I remain forever. ⁶What can frighten me, when I let all things be exactly as they are?

Let not our sight be blasphemous today, nor let our ears attend to lying tongues. ²Only reality is free of pain. ³Only reality is free of loss. ⁴Only reality is wholly safe. ⁵And it is only this we seek today. (A Course in Miracles, W-268.1–2. See also ACIM Lesson 268 Insights.)

Our safety lies in the fact that God created us one with Himself. Nothing exists outside the Love that He is. Only Love is real, so nothing exists that can affect His Love.

Beliefs make perception of reality. Thus hallucinations can seem very real and very threatening. But belief does not make reality. It can only make illusions. All things that seem to threaten us are only showing us our mistaken beliefs. The path to freedom from vulnerability of lack and loss is forgiveness of what makes the perceptions.

Our Creator has given us His Voice to guide us on the path to freedom from mistaken beliefs. We hear His Voice when we pause and welcome the peace that It offers. Today we hasten our journey to freedom by frequently pausing to welcome Holy Spirit in our mind. His answers to our fears remind us that we remain one with our Creator, perfectly safe in the oneness of His Love.

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