Daily Inspiration

Hearing the Call of Our One Self

‘I am spirit’ identifies you with your one Self. ²It accepts no split identity, nor tries to weave opposing factors into unity. ³It simply states the truth. ⁴Practice this truth today as often as you can, for it will bring your mind from conflict to the quiet fields of peace.

²You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all your Father’s Love and peace and joy. ³You are the spirit which completes Himself, and shares His function as Creator. ⁴He is with you always, as you are with Him.

³He will offer all His strength to every little effort that you make. ⁴Give Him the minutes which He needs today, to help you understand with Him you are the spirit that abides in Him, and that calls through His Voice to every living thing; offers His sight to everyone who asks; replaces error with the simple truth.

²Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.

⁵The Holy Spirit gives you peace today. ⁶Receive His words, and offer them to Him. (A Course in Miracles, W-97.1:1-4;2:2-4;4:3-4;7:2;8:5-6. See also ACIM Lesson 97 Insights.)

Spirit is one, held safely in God’s Love. It shares all of His attributes. To affirm “I am Spirit” is to accept our Identity as God’s Son. As we accept this, we see every brother as part of our one Self. In our unity we share all His Love and peace and joy. This is our Reality. It is the gift our Father gave to us, His Son.

With this as our Identity, we are free to forgive our mistaken belief in being unique and different. The joy of our one Self calls to us to awaken to our Reality and experience the peace of being eternally held in God’s Love.

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