Daily Inspiration

How to Bring Love to the World

Do not be afraid of the ego. ²It depends on your mind, and as you made it by believing in it, so you can dispel it by withdrawing belief from it. ³Do not project the responsibility for your belief in it onto anyone else, or you will preserve the belief. ⁴When you are willing to accept sole responsibility for the ego’s existence you will have laid aside all anger and all attack, because they come from an attempt to project responsibility for your own errors. ⁵But having accepted the errors as yours, do not keep them. ⁶Give them over quickly to the Holy Spirit to be undone completely, so that all their effects will vanish from your mind and from the Sonship as a whole.

The Holy Spirit will teach you to perceive beyond your belief, because truth is beyond belief and His perception is true. ²The ego can be completely forgotten at any time, because it is a totally incredible belief, and no one can keep a belief he has judged to be unbelievable. ³The more you learn about the ego, the more you realize that it cannot be believed.

The whole purpose of this course is to teach you that the ego is unbelievable and will forever be unbelievable. (A Course in Miracles, T-7.VIII.5:1–6:3;7:1. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego seems to exist only because of the belief we have invested in it. Here we have a practice that we can use to withdraw our mistaken investment. First we must accept responsibility for our belief in the ego. This means we stop projecting our belief about what we are onto the world. Next we must be willing to ask the Holy Spirit for His help to see past our projections of our mistaken beliefs. As we accept His help, the influence of the ego, aka our beliefs, diminish. These effects will be replaced by the awareness of Love’s eternal presence in everything, everywhere, always. This could be called a recipe for awakening from the dream of separation.

Today is a good day to practice. It is a way to do our part in bringing Love to the world.

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