Daily Inspiration

In Quiet We Recognize We Are Only Love

All fear is past and only love is here.

All fear is past, because its source is gone, and all its thoughts gone with it. ²Love remains the only present state, whose Source is here forever and forever. ³Can the world seem bright and clear and safe and welcoming, with all my past mistakes oppressing it, and showing me distorted forms of fear? ⁴Yet in the present love is obvious, and its effects apparent. ⁵All the world shines in reflection of its holy light, and I perceive a world forgiven at last.

Father, let not Your holy world escape my sight today. ²Nor let my ears be deaf to all the hymns of gratitude the world is singing underneath the sounds of fear. ³There is a real world which the present holds safe from all past mistakes. ⁴And I would see only this world before my eyes today. (A Course in Miracles, W-293. See also ACIM Lesson 293 Insights.)

The ego dwells entirely in the past. It makes up stories of things to come based on past experiences. All judgments are based upon these past memories. It knows nothing of the present moment, and diligently avoids it. But awareness of the present moment is still available to us. Because the present is always peaceful, we access it by relaxing and letting our minds be quiet. In quietness, all seeming problems are resolved. Love is accepted.

When we accept Love, we see only Love. Fear is impossible in the power of Love’s presence. Today we remember to step back whenever our peace is disturbed to pause and quiet our minds. In quiet the presence of Love is recognized.

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