Daily Inspiration

Joining with Our Brothers in Love

²The miracle attests salvation from appearances by showing they can change. ³Your brother has a changelessness in him beyond appearance and deception, both. ⁴It is obscured by changing views of him that you perceive as his reality.

⁵The Christ in him is perfect. ⁶Is it this that you would look upon? ⁷Then let there be no dreams about him that you would prefer to seeing this. ⁸And you will see the Christ in him because you let Him come to you. ⁹And when He has appeared to you, you will be certain you are like Him, for He is the changeless in your brother and in you.

This will you look upon when you decide there is not one appearance you would hold in place of what your brother really is. ²Let no temptation to prefer a dream allow uncertainty to enter here. ³Be not made guilty and afraid when you are tempted by a dream of what he is. ⁴But do not give it power to replace the changeless in him in your sight of him. ⁵There is no false appearance but will fade, if you request a miracle instead. (A Course in Miracles, T-30.VIII.2:2-4;5:5–6:5. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The world we perceive is always a projection of what we believe we are. If we identify with the ego, we see a world where everything is separate, limited and disconnected. It portrays our belief that we are alone, disconnected from our Source and every brother. But this perception covers the Reality that we remain as God created us.

We can see this Reality with the help of the Holy Spirit in our minds. We dedicate today to attending to the Holy Spirit’s loving Voice. He will show us the unified Love that our projections have hidden from us. We will see that we share the same interests with our brothers — to be Love and give Love without conditions. With the Holy Spirit as our Guide, we will find the peace and happiness that comes with joining with our brothers in Love.

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