Daily Inspiration

Joining with Holy Spirit to Shine the Ego Away

Watch your mind for the temptations of the ego, and do not be deceived by it. It offers you nothing. When you have given up this voluntary dis-spiriting, you will see how your mind can focus and rise above fatigue and heal. Yet you are not sufficiently vigilant against the demands of the ego to disengage yourself. This need not be.

The habit of engaging with God and His creations is easily made if you actively refuse to let your mind slip away. The problem is not one of concentration; it is the belief that no one, including yourself, is worth consistent effort. Side with me consistently against this deception, and do not permit this shabby belief to pull you back. The disheartened are useless to themselves and to me, but only the ego can be disheartened.

Your mind and mine can unite in shining your ego away, releasing the strength of God into everything you think and do. (A Course in Miracles T-4.IV.6-7;8:3)

We do not need to do battle with the ego, but we do need to be vigilant against accepting and believing the deceptions of the ego’s thought system. We have a well established habit of listening to the ego’s voice so that we have come to believe it’s direction will make us safe. Yet the ego is the denial of our perfect safety in the changelessness of God. But we can change our minds and awaken to the truth that we remain as God created us — perfectly safe in His Love. The key to this change of mind is vigilance against the temptation to believe that we are separate, vulnerable and alone.

Today is a day of vigilance against the ego thought system. With Holy Spirit’s help we can recognize deceptive thoughts for what they are and let them go to be replaced with the truth that we are one Self, united with our Creator and our brothers in the certainty of Love. With this practice, the defensiveness of the ego is transformed into joyous uniting with all our brothers.

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