Daily Inspiration

Judgment Is the Holy Spirit’s Function, Not Ours

⁸To order is to judge, and to arrange by judgment. ⁹Therefore it is not your function, but the Holy Spirit’s.”

The only judgment involved is the Holy Spirit’s one division into two categories; one of love, and the other the call for love. ²You cannot safely make this division, for you are much too confused either to recognize love, or to believe that everything else is nothing but a call for love. ³You are too bound to form, and not to content. ⁴What you consider content is not content at all. ⁵It is merely form, and nothing else. ⁶For you do not respond to what a brother really offers you, but only to the particular perception of his offering by which the ego judges it.

⁴Every interpretation you would lay upon a brother is senseless. ⁵Let the Holy Spirit show him to you, and teach you both his love and his call for love. ⁶Neither his mind nor yours holds more than these two orders of thought.

The miracle is the recognition that this is true. ²Where there is love, your brother must give it to you because of what [love] is. ³But where there is a call for love, you must give it because of what you are. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.X.5:8-9;7;11:4-12:3. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self shares the oneness of God’s Love. This Self cannot judge because It knows of nothing outside Itself. When we perceive ourselves as a body in a world with other bodies, we are engaged with the ego’s judgments. This is why we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to judge all things on our behalf.

We have confused ourselves by accepting the ego’s false misrepresentations of love. We need to practice consistently asking the Holy Spirit to replace our interpretations with His. As we accept His help, we become increasingly aware that we are always in the Presence of Love. We will feel blessed by the Love we recognize in our brothers and by opportunities to answer his calls for Love with Love.

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