Daily Inspiration

Learning My Lessons of Trust and Gratitude

My thoughts this morning center on remembering I am in Holy Spirit’s school and my lessons are about trust and gratitude. The part that stood out to me in Lesson 153 this morning is, “Yet when we can, we will observe our trust as ministers of God, in hourly remembrance of our mission and His Love. And we will quietly sit by and wait on Him and listen to His Voice, and learn what He would have us do the hour that is yet to come; while thanking Him for all the gifts He gave us in the one gone by.”

The reason these particular words stood out to me this morning is that I am realizing that my lessons right now from Holy Spirit are focusing on my level of trust and gratitude. I now go in quiet to my inner Teacher in order to learn my lesson well.

Holy Spirit:
  The more you open your mind to Me, the more you will know that if you are asked to do something in the world, the means for its accomplishment will be given you. The more you consistently open your mind to Me, the more that trust will come naturally. And along with trust, comes gratitude as you recognize that God’s gifts are yours and cannot be taken away by any dreams of separation or lack.

You want to strengthen your trust? You do it by joining with Me in your mind, for in truth we are one. It is this willingness to join consistently that brings you the trust you need to do My work. When you trust in Me, you will not worry about how things will be accomplished. You will be relaxed and feel confident that everything that shows up in the dream is in perfect order for the lessons everyone is to learn. And as your trust strengthens, your gratitude for how perfect Holy Spirit’s plan is just wells up within you.

Your lessons in trust and gratitude all stem from your being willing to open your mind to Me. With Me you recognize the ego’s judgments are meaningless and mean nothing. You recognize that trying to figure it out on your own will not work. You keep your mind open and calm, trusting that “I am here.”

  It seems like I have a to do list that goes up one arm, down the other and trails behind me. But guess what. That’s my list, not necessarily Holy Spirit’s. There may be things on that list Holy Spirit will guide me to do. But Holy Spirit knows time is an illusion and will never use a “to do” list to make time seem real. If I feel overloaded, it’s because I’m using my “to do” list to make time seem real.

In the dream, things seem to happen sequentially. But the Course tells us that the Holy Spirit is in charge of time. It’s not my job to worry about whether everything will be done in the right time. It is my job to give all my concerns about time and the future to the Holy Spirit. If I’m willing to follow His lead moment by moment, everything that needs to be done will be done at the time in the dream that it needs to be done.

Part of the overloaded “to do” list is also the effect of self-imposed limits on how things can get done and who can do them. One of the lessons that is part of the exercise of moving to Florida is learning to let go of all limitations. Once again I am seeing that the move is simply an outward symbol of an inner lesson that teaches me I have no real limits. I have plenty of imagined limits, but I have been given an awesome gift through this move. I have been given the gift of a magnificent classroom in which I can learn to let go of limits. Wow! My heart is filled with gratitude.

I dedicate this day to the practice of following Holy Spirit’s lead, moment by moment. Thank you Holy Spirit for your kind and gentle guidance.

  When I woke up this morning the first thing that came to my mind is, “What will today bring? What’s in store for me today? Will I have enough time to finish what I have to get done?” The “what’s” and “if’s” and “how’s” didn’t stop. So I got out of bed, stood there and bent over with my head toward the ground and said, “Holy Spirit, please empty this mind.” As I imagined all the thoughts just falling out, when I stood back up after several minutes, I asked Holy Spirit to now fill my mind with only Your Thoughts today.

This is what Holy Spirit said: When you question how are you going to have enough time, you are making time real. The one and only purpose for time is to heal. The only way to heal is to come to Me with all those thoughts.

You see, sometimes you think you know what’s first on the agenda and what’s next and what’s next after that. Did you forget that it’s My agenda that is important. Not yours. And you cannot know My agenda and what I have in store for you unless you come to Me. The phrase, “Know thy self” means exactly that. That is your one and only job.

For as you really learn to know your Self with My help, any thoughts of lack or separation or why or how will all fall away and you will see that all that’s left is you and Me. And I only give you thoughts to remember the true Love that you are and the true Love that everyone is. When you look upon another, always remember what you are thinking of them, you are thinking of yourself.

Feel the gifts and be grateful for all the gifts you receive from Me. Then it is your job to pass those gifts on to whomever you meet. Make sure what you pass on is truly a gift that I gave you, and not one that you thought you had to give. Your thoughts mean nothing without coming to Me.

Thank you for emptying your thought this morning and allowing Me to fill you with My healing thoughts. Your goodness and joy and happiness are My only wishes and thoughts for you. Any other thoughts that come to you that are not of goodness, joy, happiness and love are false thoughts that you made up yourself. Learn to “soak” in My Love and just rest in that. And soak some more until you feel that Love fill every cell and every space around you. Then carry that Love out into the world.

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