Daily Inspiration

Placing Our Trust in God

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  A new day is dawning. As this new day dawns upon you, keep in your mind a remembrance of His gifts to you. Each moment today, keep in mind His gifts of peace, Love, security, forgiveness. These are just a few of the gifts that He offers you today. The gift of trust is very important at this time. As you walk throughout the day, be aware of trusting in Him and trusting that He will never let you down. Only goodness is His Will for you.

Allow the different thoughts such as “this could happen; that could happen; it could go this way; it could go that way,” to be given to Him. The ideas and thoughts that come to you as ideas are presented to you are to be given Him every moment. Just say, “Father, I trust that You will lead the way and show me what these ideas mean. I trust that of myself I know nothing and in that trust I am given another gift of peace.”

Keep peace your only goal, as you do so often, and you can never fail. From peace come the gifts that God so wants you to accept. So as you walk today, walk with Him knowing He is beside you and remembering that with Him beside you, fear is impossible. Accept the gift of Love today. It is yours. Love yourself and everyone you see as God loves you. Amen

Holy Spirit through Mary:
Go gently today holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. As you go through your day today, imagine that you are holding Holy Spirit’s Hand. See that the Holy Spirit is leading you and you are following. You are stepping back and not deciding what anything means on your own.

Take it one day at a time. It is like you are blind and the Holy Spirit is your “seeing eye dog.” Your trust is important. Ask yourself frequently today, “Where am I placing my trust? In the Holy Spirit or in my own analytical thinking?” Stop frequently and wait and listen before taking action.

Let yourself remember that the truth is that you are resting in God right now. God’s peace and certainty are surrounding you. How could you be uncertain when you are allowing this certainty to enter your mind? The truth is true and nothing else is true. God is what is true and only God exists. Let yourself become steeped in this remembering. And as you practice this today, everything else will take care of itself. Enjoy Holy Spirit’s ride.

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Being the thought that you are separate from your Source and strength, the ego is always in fear. Because your Source and strength are eternally present, the only way to seem to be separate from your Source is to see yourself separated by time. So the ego focuses on the past and the future, ignoring now. In the ego’s perception, the past is always full of guilt and attack. It believes either it has been attacked or has attacked. Believing it has attacked brings guilt. Believing it has been attacked brings fear of the future because attack could happen again. This makes the future very frightening.

So the ego weaves complex strategies and plans to protect against an uncertain and fearful future. It believes this is the only way to have some sense of safety, though tenuous at best. This is why it seems difficult for you to move forward into an unknown, unfamiliar circumstance, which is not understandable in reference to your past experience. The ego only knows how to construct an image of the future out of past experiences. Now you are being asked to go where past experiences cannot be used to make an image of the future.

This is a very important classroom for you. This opportunity being presented to you can carry you into a new level of trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance rather than the ego’s. You are being asked to give up illusionary images of safety for the certain safety offered you by God through the Holy Spirit in your mind. Would you rather have illusions that can change on a whim or have reality that is eternally changeless? Use this opportunity well and you will walk in quiet certainty, serene and joyous. This is the gift that is offered you.

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