Daily Inspiration

Projection Makes Perception

Mary and Robert:  Yesterday Rick Herranz asked for help with understanding, “projection makes perception.” On the “Text Made Simple” section of the Pathways of Light web site, you will find the following explanation. It refers to the “What It Says” section of the ACIM Preface found on pages x through xiii. The following is that explanation.

What does projection makes perception mean and how does forgiveness help?

Paragraph 6 introduces the idea that projection makes perception. This idea is central to understanding how forgiveness frees us from the world of perception. Because our perception is a projection that is coming from our own mind, we have complete control over what we perceive. We change what we perceive by changing our minds (forgiveness).

The process of projection is concisely described in three sentences in Workbook Lesson 325.1:1-3.  “What I see reflects a process in my mind, which starts with my idea of what I want. From there, the mind makes up an image of the thing the mind desires, judges valuable, and therefore seeks to find. These images are then projected outward, looked upon, esteemed as real and guarded as one’s own.”
Back in the preface it goes on to describe what happens to our perception when we change our minds from the insane wishes of the ego to forgiveness, which sees a gentle world of mercy and kindness.

In paragraph 6 we also get a very clear description of how the Course defines forgiveness. The following two sentences provide an important foundation for what the Course is all about and how we can free ourselves from the chains of false perception: “As we learn to recognize our perceptual errors, we also learn to look past them or ‘forgive.’ At the same time we are forgiving ourselves, looking past our distorted self-concept to the Self That God created in us and as us.” It is with the help of our inner Teacher, the Holy Spirit, that we learn to recognize our perceptual errors. ACIM is one teaching aid the Holy Spirit has made for us to use in this learning process.

In other places in the Course Jesus describes forgiveness as seeing that what we made is not real, overlooking what never happened, and being willing to see past separation to oneness. An especially helpful definition of forgiveness is found in the Workbook, Lesson 122. In paragraph 3 it states, “Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the face of Christ from those who look with unforgiving eyes upon the world. It lets you recognize the Son of God, and clears your memory of all dead thoughts so that remembrance of your Father can arise across the threshold of your mind.” It is also helpful to refer to, “What is forgiveness?” on page 401 of the Workbook (W-pII.1.)

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
  All is well in your perfect world when you choose to see perfection. It is your choice. Whatever you choose to see is what you have to offer the world. If you are looking at angry thoughts or resentments or judgments of others, that is exactly what you think of yourself and that is exactly what you are offering the world.

When your thoughts are of love, kindness and, “what can I do to serve?” your world reflects back to you the beauty, the Love of God and forgiveness. When you look at everyone and everything with forgiveness in your heart and mind, you will see nothing but Love. For when you are forgiving someone for their mistaken actions or their mistaken projections that you think are directed at you, you are looking at them as Jesus would.

With forgiveness in your heart you know perfectly well that you cannot forgive and hold grudges or judge at the same time. It is impossible. Therefore you are always making the choice. You are asking yourself always, “Am I going to look at this situation with loving eyes and forgiveness in my heart? Or am I going to judge this person and fall farther away from God?” Who in their right minded thinking would want to walk farther away from God? Amen.

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