Daily Inspiration

Quicken Our Footsteps, Father

Steady our feet, our Father. Let our doubts be quiet and our holy minds be still, and speak to us. We have no words to give to You. We would but listen to Your Word, and make it ours. Lead our practicing as does a father lead a little child along a way he does not understand. Yet does he follow, sure that he is safe because his father leads the way for him.

So do we bring our practicing to You. And if we stumble, You will raise us up. If we forget the way, we count upon Your sure remembering. We wander off, but You will not forget to call us back. Quicken our footsteps now, that we may walk more certainly and quickly unto You. And we accept the Word You offer us to unify our practicing, as we review the thoughts that You have given us. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 171, W-pI.V.2-3. See also ACIM Lesson 171 Insights.)

In truth we are eternal Love, as is everyone. We choose now to return to this truth. We know the journey Home is accelerated as we step back and listen for Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance. Today we accelerate our willingness to let Holy Spirit lead us all through the day. The Holy Spirit leads us to receive and extend God’s Love, and we willingly follow.

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