Daily Inspiration

Recognizing Our Unity in Love

Healing, forgiveness, and the glad exchange of all the world of sorrow for a world where sadness cannot enter, are the means by which the Holy Spirit urges you to follow Him. ²His gentle lessons teach how easily salvation can be yours; how little practice you need undertake to let His laws replace the ones you made to hold yourself a prisoner to death. ³His life becomes your own, as you extend the little help He asks in freeing you from everything that ever caused you pain.

And as you let yourself be healed, you see all those around you, or who cross your mind, or whom you touch or those who seem to have no contact with you, healed along with you. ²Perhaps you will not recognize them all, nor realize how great your offering to all the world, when you let healing come to you. ³But you are never healed alone. ⁴And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed.

Those who are healed become the instruments of healing. ²Nor does time elapse between the instant they are healed, and all the grace of healing it is given them to give. ³What is opposed to God does not exist, and who accepts it not within his mind becomes a haven where the weary can remain to rest. ⁴For here is truth bestowed, and here are all illusions brought to truth. (A Course in Miracles, W-137.9–11. See also ACIM Lesson 137 Insights.)

Healing is simple. It merely accepts Reality as It is. Healing only seems difficult because we value some form we want to keep for ourself alone. This is the barrier in our mind that opposes the Will of God. It only has effect in dreams that are not real.

We can waken from fearful dreams in any moment. We have been blessed with an inner Teacher Whose purpose is to help us recognize that no form in the dream offers anything of value. As we accept the help of our inner Teacher, we become increasingly aware of the Love that is given us without limit.

We learn to see truly once again that there is no separation. We can never be alone, for we are eternally united with every brother and our Father. In this recognition comes peace that cannot be disturbed; joy without limit.

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