Daily Inspiration

Rest in Love Today

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Nothing the body’s eyes show you will save you or set you free. It is in the recognition that everything the body’s eyes see has no meaning that you are released from the belief in separation. You cannot reach this recognition on your own because nothing in the world can teach you this. But you have in your mind a Teacher Who will bring the full recognition to you of what is unreal and what is real.

Hold nothing back. Trust not in your own “ability” to interpret what anything in this world means. If you would be free and know the peace of God, you must step aside as your own interpreter, turn every interpretation over to the Holy Spirit and open your mind to His replacement. Anything you withhold from Him will only prolong your experience of the hell you made.

The body can only perceive conflict and this is hell. The Holy Spirit sees no conflict and when you allow His interpretation to replace yours, you will withdraw all meaning you give to the world. The meaning that the Holy Spirit replaces it with is Love. He will teach you that only Love is there to see. Only Love is there to be. Rest in Love today by letting Him be your interpreter.

Today it is my opportunity to remember that I rest in God today. I rest in Love, now and forever. Today it is my opportunity to remember that this is true about everyone I perceive in the world. No matter what fear thoughts may come up for us, the truth is we all rest in God.

Loss is not possible in God and we all remain in God. What God creates is eternal and only what God creates is true. My practice for today is to remember that I rest in God all through the day. What peace and joy come with remembering this.

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