What makes this world seem real except your own denial of the truth that lies beyond? ²What but your thoughts of misery and death obscure the perfect happiness and the eternal life your Father wills for you? ³And what could hide what cannot be concealed except illusion? ⁴What could keep from you what you already have except your choice to see it not, denying it is there?
The Thought of God created you. ²It left you not, nor have you ever been apart from it an instant. ³It belongs to you. ⁴By it you live. ⁵It is your Source of life, holding you one with it, and everything is one with you because it left you not. ⁶The Thought of God protects you, cares for you, makes soft your resting place and smooth your way, lighting your mind with happiness and love. ⁷Eternity and everlasting life shine in your mind, because the Thought of God has left you not, and still abides with you.
Who would deny his safety and his peace, his joy, his healing and his peace of mind, his quiet rest, his calm awakening, if he but recognized where they abide?
We count on God, and not upon ourselves, to give us certainty. ²And in His Name we practice as His Word directs we do. ³His sureness lies beyond our every doubt. ⁴His Love remains beyond our every fear. ⁵The Thought of Him is still beyond all dreams and in our minds, according to His Will. (A Course in Miracles, W-165.1:1–3:1;8. See also ACIM Lesson 165 Insights.)
All unhappiness, fear and guilt come from denying the Love that is our Identity. Our belief in the “reality” of the images in the world blinds us to the Light of Love that is ever present. Forgiveness dispels our mistaken beliefs.
Today we ask the Holy Spirit to lift us above the battleground so we can see past our errors. With His help we will remember the Love that is all that is real. We will remember that our Home is in the safety of Love’s changeless unity. We rest in the certainty of our Father’s Love.
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