Daily Inspiration

Resting in the Truth

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let go… Let go… Let go… Let go of your belief in a world of differences, of unique bodies and different times and places…

Breathe deeply… and let go of it all… Let the Light of truth replace these images of differences… Let all images fall away… 

Let your inner Comforter bring you to a state of deep peace… to an awareness beyond words… Give time to resting in this quiet awareness…

In this place of quietness you receive inspiration in a way that is most helpful to you now… be open and receive…

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The Christ is in you. It is the truth in you. It is the one Self you share with everyone. When you identify with It as What you are, you rest in stillness, certain of your safety and overflowing with the joy of extending the Love you are.

When you do not feel the quiet stillness of peace, it is because you are not accepting your Self. Let your Self show you the Christ that is your brother and you will learn that It is you. Your Self is ever present, offering you the vision of truth, offering you the gift of peace. Accept It. Accept your Self, and you will remember your place in Heaven. You will remember you are Home.

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