Daily Inspiration

Returning to the Kingdom of Love

The Thought of God surrounds your little kingdom, waiting at the barrier you built to come inside and shine upon the barren ground. ²See how life springs up everywhere! ³The desert becomes a garden, green and deep and quiet, offering rest to those who lost their way and wander in the dust. ⁴Give them a place of refuge, prepared by love for them where once a desert was. ⁵And everyone you welcome will bring love with him from Heaven for you. ⁶They enter one by one into this holy place, but they will not depart as they had come, alone. ⁷The love they brought with them will stay with them, as it will stay with you. ⁸And under its beneficence your little garden will expand, and reach out to everyone who thirsts for living water, but has grown too weary to go on alone.

Go out and find them, for they bring your Self with them. ²And lead them gently to your quiet garden, and receive their blessing there. ³So will it grow and stretch across the desert, leaving no lonely little kingdoms locked away from love, and leaving you inside. ⁴And you will recognize yourself, and see your little garden gently transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven, with all the Love of its Creator shining upon it.

The holy instant is your invitation to love to enter into your bleak and joyless kingdom, and to transform it into a garden of peace and welcome. (A Course in Miracles, T-18.VIII.9:1–11:1. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our true Self lives in God’s Kingdom of Love. We do not have to search for individuals to invite into the Kingdom we share with God. But we do need to let Love guide our perception of every brother. We bring our brothers into the Kingdom when we see them as Love, united with our one Self.

As we welcome our brother, we are welcoming part of our one Self; we are welcoming the Love we are. As we let Love in, we feel Its peace and joy. We see our brothers as one with our one Self. Together we are God’s Son.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to heal our misperceptions of being separate, and we welcome our brothers in the oneness of Love. We are one Self; there is no distance between us.

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