Daily Inspiration

Rise Above to See the Love

As we open our minds to receive the Truth, we are brought to the awareness of Love’s presence… We are brought to the awareness of the truth of Love’s oneness behind the illusions of separation… We are brought to the awareness that nothing can really happen to change the eternal Presence of Love… In reality we are safe… All is well… We all are still as God created us, despite the illusions we have made up.

As we let our minds be brought to the Truth, we are filled with a sense of safety and of peace… We are filled with a sense of the innate happiness that resides within us all… Our true Self comes to the surface of our minds and we are able to feel the inherent Love, peace and joy that is eternally…

Today we allow time to open to the Truth… We let ourselves be carried above the concepts of the world of separation… We are brought to the awareness of Love’s eternal Presence… We let happiness fill our hearts and minds… We are filled with a sense of our true purpose… We would join with the truth today. And we are filled with gratitude for our eternal reality in Love.

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