Daily Inspiration

Seeing Our Unity with Our Brothers

⁵The purpose of all seeing is to show you what you wish to see. ⁶All hearing but brings to your mind the sounds it wants to hear.

Thus were specifics made. ²And now it is specifics we must use in practicing. ³We give them to the Holy Spirit, that He may employ them for a purpose which is different from the one we gave to them. ⁴Yet He can use but what we made, to teach us from a different point of view, so we can see a different use in everything.

…bodies are but symbols for a concrete form of fear. ³Fear without symbols calls for no response, for symbols can stand for the meaningless. ⁴Love needs no symbols, being true. ⁵But fear attaches to specifics, being false.

Who sees a brother as a body sees him as fear’s symbol.

Select one brother, symbol of the rest, and ask salvation of him. ²See him first as clearly as you can, in that same form to which you are accustomed. ³See his face, his hands and feet, his clothing. ⁴Watch him smile, and see familiar gestures which he makes so frequently. ⁵Then think of this: What you are seeing now conceals from you the sight of one who can forgive you all your sins; …⁶Ask this of him, that he may set you free:

⁷Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. ⁸I would behold you with the eyes of Christ, and see my perfect sinlessness in you.

And He will answer Whom you called upon. ²For He will hear the Voice for God in you, and answer in your own. ³Behold him now, whom you have seen as merely flesh and bone, and recognize that Christ has come to you. ⁴Today’s idea is your safe escape from anger and from fear. ⁵Be sure you use it instantly, should you be tempted to attack a brother and perceive in him the symbol of your fear. ⁶And you will see him suddenly transformed from enemy to savior; from the devil into Christ. (A Course in Miracles, W-161.2:5–3:4;5:2-5;8:1;11;12. See also ACIM Lesson 161 Insights.)

To wake up from the dream, we need to stop relying on the images in the dream as representing truth. In fact, all the images in the dream represent the denial of Reality. Only Love is real and Love has no form. So the way to change our beliefs is to choose Christ’s vision as our reliable source of truth.

Christ’s vision does not use the body’s eyes, which cannot see Reality. Christ’s vision is in our mind, available to us in any instant we are willing to accept His way of seeing. Christ’s vision forgives the images and looks past them to the eternal presence of Love.

Today we practice seeing our brother with Christ’s vision to recognize him as he is — Love and nothing else. As we see him with Christ’s vision, we see our Self united with him as the Holy Son of God.

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