Daily Inspiration

Seeing Past Time to Eternity

Today we read the following in A Course in Miracles: “There is but one [holy instant]. The little breath of eternity that runs through time like golden light is all the same; nothing before it, nothing afterwards.” (T-20.V.5:7-8)

When we read this, an image came to mind that helped me understand. Imagine two parallel tracks. One is the track of time, broken into separate moments that seem to be different from all the other moments — everything changes in time. The parallel track is the golden light. It is one and changeless and so it is the same at any point along the line.

A holy instant occurs when we open our minds and allow the seeming gap between the line of time and the line of golden light to disappear. In that moment we experience the oneness and eternal changelessness of the golden light. Fear and guilt still held in our mind keeps us from keeping our full attention on the light so the connection seems to be broken and we return to the line of time. We again become unaware of the line of golden light that is still beside us.

As we move along the line of time we always have the potential to open our minds and let the connection come back into our awareness. The circumstances in the line of time seem to be different, so this holy instant seems to be different. Yet the golden light we connect to in that instant is still unchanged. It is still really the same holy instant, though it appears to be in a different setting in time.

Each time we allow ourselves to connect with the golden light of changeless, eternal Love, we bring back with us the experience of that connection. Being an experience of great peace and joy, it motivates us to clear away the barriers that limit our experience of this eternal Love. The more we clear away, the more we open to the connection that is always available to us. When we have let all judgment go, the line of time fades and we join the golden light of Love that is our true Self.

The practice of joining with the Holy Spirit to see the Christ in anyone and everyone opens our minds to the holy instant. Today my practice is to focus on the light of Love in anyone I meet or think of today. This is how I will learn of the Love that is my true Nature along with everyone’s.

I love the image that Robert received from Holy Spirit showing us the difference between time and eternity. The eternal Love of God never changes. The good news is that I can choose to let the remembrance of the eternal return at any point in my experience of “time.”

My practice for today is to allow the Holy Spirit to remind me of the eternal truth in everyone. This helps me remember that the constantly changing stories found in time are not true and the eternal Love in everyone is true. Allowing this holy instant of truth brings me peace. It brings me joy. If I want to be happy today, I will allow the Holy Spirit to return me to the awareness of the eternal truth. Love is. God is. There is nothing else. And I give thanks.

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