Daily Inspiration

Start a New Habit

Holy Spirit to Robert:  Let yourself see as I see. I see you and everyone as pure Love. Nothing else. You were created by Love as Love. That can never change. I am always with you, ready, willing and able to help you see as I see.

All that stands between seeing as I see and the way you now see is judgment. Judgment divides you off from what you judge. You must perceive yourself as different from in order to judge another. The truth about you is not separate. It is a false image of yourself that you reinforce when you judge. I will help you see as I see. All you need to do is to be willing to give all your judgments to Me and to open your heart and mind to My gentle, loving, compassionate correction.

I will gently help you see the valuelessness of each judgment. I will help you recognize it as meaningless. With this recognition, you will freely let it go with no sense of sacrifice. It is not difficult to disregard what you recognize as meaningless.

You cannot sort the meaningful from the meaningless on your own, because on your own you don’t know the difference. But I am always with you to do the sorting for you and to help you see the meaningless for what it is. The practice of turning over all your judgments to Me is the way you will walk to the truly meaningful and experience your Self as you have always been. Join with Me and let us walk together to peace.

Holy Spirit through Annie:
  I am the ANSWER to your dreams. I call you NOW to awaken. Open the eyes of your mind and your heart and SEE what I am showing you. I am always showing you the TRUTH. Put all your TRUST in this. I will heal your blindness by shining the Light of the truth upon you. My Light will heal you deeply and you will see again. There will be a celebration in Heaven when you open your eyes and see All That You are — the One beloved Child of God.

Holy Spirit through Sharyn:
Start today by starting a new habit. Let your new habit be coming to Me for everything. Start out your morning, for instance, by keeping track of how many times you come to Me. Then this afternoon, make sure you come to Me more often than you did in the morning. Then in the evening, make sure you come to Me more often than you did in the afternoon.

Remember to be patient with yourself as a new habit takes time to establish. But since we know there is no time, it need not be. You can automatically start today and it will become a new habit for you. I will help you with this. This is a journey that will bring joy, happiness, Love and freedom to you. We’ll talk soon My Love.

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