Daily Inspiration

Stepping Out of the Ego’s Shadow

God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.

Father, today we will forgive Your world, and let creation be Your Own. ²We have misunderstood all things. ³But we have not made sinners of the holy Sons of God. ⁴What You created sinless so abides forever and forever. ⁵Such are we. ⁶And we rejoice to learn that we have made mistakes which have no real effects on us. ⁷Sin is impossible, and on this fact forgiveness rests upon a certain base more solid than the shadow world we see. ⁸Help us forgive, for we would be redeemed. ⁹Help us forgive, for we would be at peace.

(A Course in Miracles, W-359. See also ACIM Lesson 359 Insights.)

It is time for us to step out of the shadows of the ego’s thought system. The ego is the denial of the Light, the Love that is all of reality. The effect of its thought system is a world of illusion. Without Light, vision is impossible. Illusions are made up to replace what can be seen in the Light of Love.

The way to step out of the shadows is through forgiveness. As we forgive our mistaken beliefs, Love dawns upon our minds. Peace replaces the chaos of the ego’s illusions. We are grateful for the Help we are given to guide us to forgive and remember the Love we are.

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