Daily Inspiration

Stepping Back to Receive Holy Spirit’s Thought Reversal

Today I open to a thought reversal. This thought reversal comes from the Holy Spirit, our one true Self. From the Holy Spirit we all learn that only Love’s Oneness is true, and that separate minds could never be. From Holy Spirit we learn that there are no differences, no separate bodies, no changes from the oneness of God’s creation. This healing thought reversal brings us to a place where we remember that only the truth of Love’s Oneness is true and nothing else is true. This healing thought reversal helps us remember to not take the world of separate bodies so seriously.

Today it is my opportunity to be open to and accept the thought reversal that comes to me from Holy Spirit, as I am willing to be quiet and receive the truth.

An early lesson in A Course in Miracles teaches me that I do not know what anything means. I get that the acceptance of this idea is the basis for forgiveness, because it opens my mind to receive Holy Spirit’s interpretation and meaning for everything. Yet as I observe my thoughts through the day, I see that the majority of the time I act as if I do know what a situation, a relationship or what someone says means. The automatic response in any moment still seems to be to interpret on my own. It’s a long established and deeply rooted habit.

I am grateful for this lesson from ACIM because even though the old habit is the first response, I more quickly step back and ask for Holy Spirit’s interpretation. This willingness brings peace to my mind. My days are happier and more loving. The practice of stepping back is a gift I give myself and all my brothers. Each time I accept Holy Spirit’s vision I reinforce the truth in my brothers and myself. This is what time is for.

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