Daily Inspiration

The Path Revealed by Christ’s Vision “

Today we will again give thanks for our Identity in God. ²Our home is safe, protection guaranteed in all we do, power and strength available to us in all our undertakings. ³We can fail in nothing. ⁴Everything we touch takes on a shining light that blesses and that heals. ⁵At one with God and with the universe we go our way rejoicing, with the thought that God Himself goes everywhere with us.

What we receive is our eternal gift to those who follow after, and to those who went before or stayed with us a while. ²And God, Who loves us with the equal love in which we were created, smiles on us and offers us the happiness we gave.

Today we will not doubt His Love for us, nor question His protection and His care. ²No meaningless anxieties can come between our faith and our awareness of His Presence. ³We are one with Him today in recognition and rememberance. ⁴We feel Him in our hearts. ⁵Our minds contain His Thoughts; our eyes behold His loveliness in all we look upon. ⁶Today we see only the loving and the lovable. (A Course in Miracles, W-124.1;3-4. See also ACIM Lesson 124 Insights.)

This passage describes our true Self’s experience. We are unaware of this experience when it is hidden behind projected illusions of separation. The benefit of forgiving our wish for specialness is the experience of our eternal existence in the Love of God.

Today we remind ourselves of the safety and joy of our true Home. As we pause to welcome God’s Love, we see our brothers with loving eyes and we remember the Love we are. We rest in the eternal peace of changeless Love. With this as our foundation, we walk in the world knowing that beyond appearances of conflict is the Love that is our strength. Love is our rock and our salvation. We carry that thought with us today. It lights our way, showing us the path of Christ’s vision with which we see our brothers truly.

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