Daily Inspiration

The Path That Leads to Love

³Learn now, without despair, there is no hope of answer in the world. ⁴But do not judge the lesson that is but begun with this. …⁸For from this lowest point will learning lead to heights of happiness, in which you see the purpose of the lesson shining clear, and perfectly within your learning grasp.

Who would be willing to be turned away from all the roadways of the world, unless he understood their real futility?

The learning that the world can offer but one choice, no matter what its form may be, is the beginning of acceptance that there is a real alternative instead.

There is a choice that you have power to make when you have seen the real alternatives. …³This course attempts to teach no more than that the power of decision cannot lie in choosing different forms of what is still the same illusion and the same mistake.

Forgive yourself your madness, and forget all senseless journeys and all goal-less aims. ²They have no meaning. ³You can not escape from what you are. ⁴For God is merciful, and did not let His Son abandon Him. ⁵For what He is be thankful, for in that is your escape from madness and from death. ⁶Nowhere but where He is can you be found. ⁷There is no path that does not lead to Him. (A Course in Miracles, T-31.IV.4:3-4,8;5:1;6:1;8:1,3;11. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

We are all searching for love and happiness while we believe we want specialness. The wish for specialness denies the oneness of God’s Love. Thus the search for specialness will never bring us what we truly desire. Eventually we all must come to the point of realizing there must be better way.

What we are truly seeking we already have but do not realize it because it is hidden behind the wish for specialness. But at the turning point of realizing there must be better way, we have reached a point of willingness to learn what it is. Now we are willing to seek the answer where it can be found.

We have been given the Holy Spirit to teach us that the Love we seek is What we are. In truth, we are the answer to What we seek. We are Love and nothing else. We share God’s joy in the eternal extension of Love. Our willingness to accept Help is the path of return to Love.

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