Daily Inspiration

The Practice That Leads to Real Freedom

Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God? ²You will accept only whom you invite. ³You are free to determine who shall be your guest, and how long he shall remain with you. ⁴Yet this is not real freedom, for it still depends on how you see it. ⁵The Holy Spirit is there, although He cannot help you without your invitation. ⁶And the ego is nothing, whether you invite it in or not. ⁷Real freedom depends on welcoming reality, and of your guests only the Holy Spirit is real. ⁸Know, then, Who abides with you merely by recognizing what is there already, and do not be satisfied with imaginary comforters, for the Comforter of God is in you. (A Course in Miracles, T-11.II.7. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

The ego tells us that judgment is necessary to keep us safe. This could only be true if there were outside forces capable of harming us. Yet, if only Love is real and all encompassing, there are no outside forces. The truth in us is one with all. There is nothing else.

The way to freedom and peace of mind is to turn over all our judgments to the Holy Spirit. He will sort out the true from the false. He dismisses the false, knowing they are nothing. As we accept His help, we learn to see the presence of Love everywhere. To be host to God, we need to dismiss our judgments and accept His judgment that only Love is real. This is real freedom.

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