Daily Inspiration

The Return from Fear to Love

Nothing I see means anything.

The reason this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing has no meaning. It is necessary that I recognize this, that I may learn to see. What I think I see now is taking the place of vision. I must let it go by realizing it has no meaning, so that vision may take its place.

These thoughts do not mean anything.

The thoughts of which I am aware do not mean anything because I am trying to think without God. What I call “my” thoughts are not my real thoughts. My real thoughts are the thoughts I think with God. I am not aware of them because I have made my thoughts to take their place. I am willing to recognize that my thoughts do not mean anything, and to let them go. I choose to have them be replaced by what they were intended to replace. My thoughts are meaningless, but all creation lies in the thoughts I think with God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 51, W-pI.51.1;4. See also ACIM Lesson 51 Insights.)

“Nothing I see means anything” is the title of the first lesson of the ACIM Workbook. It is this idea that is the basis for all healing of our mind that will bring us back to remembering the truth that we are Love and nothing else, united with the Love of our Creator.

Our identification with the body is the denial of our true Self, which is formless Love and nothing else. It is what the body can seem to do and experience that is the cause of all fear and guilt. The body is incapable of recognizing Love, for it can perceive only form which denies Love.

We are so convinced that we are a body that we insist what the body sees is real. In order to see the unreality of the world, we must question the reality of the body. This brings up fear because if we are not a body, what are we?

Our belief in being a body denies the experience of unlimited, eternal Love. So the loss of the body as our identity seems to mean the end of our existence. Yet the body is a made up image that seems to exist only in a dream of separation. But dreams have no existence in reality. Anything experienced in the dream is recognized as having no effect when we wake up. Nothing in the world has ever happened in reality. It only seems to happen in the dream because we have given the world meaning based on the false idea of being disconnected from the oneness of Love. That is why the dream is a dream of death because our real life comes only from the Love of God.

To shift our perspective from the ego’s denial of Love to the Love of our true Self, we need to step back from the dream. We need to ask the help of God’s Voice to see with Love’s vision. With practice, we begin to see the antics of the world as being less disturbing. We begin to recognize them as calls for Love that come from a mistaken thought of lack of Love.

Everything in the dream is a representation of belief in lack of Love. But as we accept Love’s vision more and more, we respond to the world’s calls for Love with Love. Our mistaken beliefs are healed as we let Love lead the way. This reversal of our thoughts takes time only because of our resistance to giving up our mistaken identity as separate from Love. But the effect of this practice is the return from fear to Love. Our thoughts join with God in extending His Thoughts of Love.

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